Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's been one full year

We first met Elena on Thursday, April 28, 2011.  That's exactly a year ago today.  Here's what we did a year ago, with some pictures.  It's a little hard to believe it's been a full year, particularly when I remember that a year is nearly 1/3 of Elena's entire life. 

Moreover, this is one of three important yearly milestones in our family life with Elena: her birthday, the first day we met her, and the day she was actually ours.  For most families, those three days are all the same; for us, they're spread evenly through the year.  That's cause for three times as many celebrations, I think.


  1. That is so wonderful. It has gone so fast hasn't it? Judy

  2. Agreed! Celebrate as many times as you can!
