Sunday, May 8, 2011

Our baby house schedule

It strikes me that we haven't really explained the travel logistics, when or for how long we were at the Baby House in Kotlas.  We arrived in Kotlas on Wedneday (the 27th), spent all day Thursday there, and left on Friday morning.

Our first opportunity to meet Elena is Thursday morning.  We go to the orphanage at around 9:00 or so, accompanied by Dimitry (the rep from our adoption agency) and Dr. Sofia.  Sophia is a pediatrician based in St. Petersburg who acts as an independent consultant, giving an opinion on the children's medical records and general health.  We asked her to come to Kotlas with us.  This is her:

Both Dimitry and Sofia know the orphanage staff quite well, and all four of us are immediately ushered up into a large meeting room (which you might remember from this earlier post).  We're both a little nervous and very tired from the long travel hours the day before, and expected some preliminary paperwork or something, and so we're surprised when Elena is escorted in just five minutes later.  We blink a few times and ask "What are we supposed to do?"  Answer from Dr Sophia, kindly, "You can sit and play with her."

We brought a few toys, and so for a little while we sit around on the carpet and "tossed" a ball around .  It's important to remember that this is the first time we've met, and just like any other meeting between strangers, it takes a little time to warm up.  Hardest of all is that we have such a small knowledge of Russian words that we cannot really communicate, except with simple hand signals.  Thankfully Elena is obsevant and takes the ball, book, or crayons when we hand it to her, and rolls the big truck like we show her etc....  Take a look at this picture, taken only 15 minutes after we met:
We both look a little stiff, right?  Contrast that to later pictures down the page.

So anyway, most of the rest of the morning was taken up by a little ball-playing, ring stacking, a little truck-driving, and some coloring:

Meanwhile, of course, we're being gently observed by the orphanage staff (note the woman over Teresa's left shoulder) and Sofia.  At about 11:30, Sofia does a medical exam.  The orphanage is staffed by medical doctors, who continuously monitor the children's health, so the physical is routine (literally) for Elena, and she knows exactly what to expect.  Sofia also asks the basic cognitive questions--where's your nose, where's your ear, where's the doll's nose? She also observes Elena. Things like walking skills, concentration etc. 

Finally, Dimitry takes a couple pictures of Elena for her own official passport, and that brings us to lunchtime.  Elena's taken off to eat with her group, and we leave the orphanage and head into town for a typical Russian buffet lunch.

When we're back from lunch, we go over Elena's history and medical records with Sofia and the orphanage staff: the director (an MD) and a social worker.  Sofia translates for us.

After we're done with the paperwork, we get to visit during snack time, which is about 2:30 or so.  Elena's having a snack with her dormmates. Everyone gets a pear, some sweet wafers, and juice.  They sit four to a little table:

The children carry their chairs to the table. When each child is done, he or she picks up the chair, sets it in a line, and washes up (with a little help of course).  Elena's first in line:

Once everyone's washed up, the nurses ask Elena to show us where she sleeps.  She rockets off into the room next door and shows us bed number 1:

After that we all go back upstairs to the large meeting room.
Teresa helps Elena up the stairs, but she's pretty sure-footed on her own.

This time, we already know each other, and we're a little more comfortable.

Elena, it turns out, really likes those matryoshka dolls:
but she'll play with other things, too:

We stay in the playroom until about 4:30, at which time a nurse comes to get her and we wave Пока (that's bye-bye in Russian).

Now is the time to sign paperwork, and Dimitry walks us through the next step, the creation of a petition of adoption to the Russian government.  That takes us through until 5:00, and we leave the orphanage.

We don't see Elena again, but very early the next morning, we briefly return to the orphanage.  Sophia is escorting a little boy from Kotlas to meet his new family who is waiting for him in Arkhangelsk, so we swing by to pick him up (he's actually one of Elena's dormmates).  We go inside for just a few minutes, which is when we take these pictures of the inside hall and stairs.

After that, we're on the road to the airport; it's unlikely we'll return to Kotlas until we pick up Elena for real (wish us luck).

1 comment:

  1. Best of wishes for you both. Thank you for posting your information in amazing detail and sharing your heart felt thoughts with us. Elena is a form of Helen. I cannot help but think that Grandma (Helen) is smiling down on you. If there is anything that your family (me) can do for you, please let me know. JRM
